Status: Hello

Monday 4 November 2013 posted at 01:51 ♥

Hye guys. Semalam me and my family went to suria klcc and after that went to ALAMANDA. do u know why ALAMANDA is in capital letters. bcs there was a tragedyyyyy haha

Ok start, we were watching a new movie. It was Thor: The Dark World. U should watch it babe. The best part is when Loki turned to be Captain America haha. U wont regret and make sure watch it in 3D. U will be amazed. After the movie, we went out from the cinema and i walked away happily. But my feelings were like bercelaru. Its like there is something wrong. I kept thinking and thinking,. And then i realized that i hv left my new Mango shirt under my seat in the cinema. I ran quickly back to the cinema. But when i started to search for it, it is NOT there. Do u know what i mean? ITS NOT THERE! And i was like Ya Allah mampuslah aku! Kalau mama tahu mcm mana??????!!!!!!!!!! AHHH i was shaking and crying omg i was scared and completely scared and scared. If my mom knows about this, im dead i am totally dead. Dlm tu bukan ada my shirt there was my sister's too! I was like omg omg omg im dead and Ya Allah my feelings that was like *mengucap dua kalimah syahadah* haha ok. Then, my abang came up and said wani dh lah tu mama dh panggil jom balik. And i was like whaaaaaaaat?!!!!!! mama panggil?!! omg omg i kept searching and searching for it even i searched it in the garbage! hahaha that was very funny but idc that time. my hands smells like garbage and my shirt smells like garbage. Trust me it was completely ew. But then, my sister said cmon wani. thats enough. its ok. And i said okay. When i got out from the cinema, mama waited for me and asked what had happen? And i told her everything and said sorry. But its kinda weird bcs her face was very very calm. After that, she said tu lah tinggal lagi and she slowly pulled out something from her bag and it was the Mango paper bag!!!!!!!! And i was thinking to scream but not in the middle of the night. So i cried my lungs out said ALHAMDULILLAH YA ALLAH! hahaha mama laughed and i laughed plus crying hahahahaha ok it was embarrasing but memorable haha yg paling tk sukanya my hands was veryyy  smellllllllyyyyyyy hahahaha ok what i want to say is lain kali, nak keluar dari mana mana tempat. Make sure nothing was left. Make sure bebetul baru keluar okay? hahaha dont be like me guys haha

ok this is the shirt that i bought yeay! finally thanks mama. sort of like a birthday present thank you very much love yah! x

Thursday 31 October 2013 posted at 21:19 ♥

Hye there. 2014 is almost here. Haduh banyak benda yg terjadi dlm tahun 2013 ni. Ada yg best ada yg tk best. Haduh yg paling tk best is tahun depan Caca tkde dah. Ya Allah, rindunyaaa aku kat kau nanti weh. Pergi sana jgn lupa aku tau. Raya kau balik kan? Haa nanti aku raya rumah kau. Haih sedihnya kau pergi nanti siapa nak jadi komander kawad kaki? Siapa nak buat kecoh kecoh. 2 years with you isnt enough. Caca, how i hope for you to stay. But i know you wont. Its too late. You'll be going to Jeddah soon. Eh betul kan aku eja? haha okay. Caca i love you so much. And aku janji aku akan buat acc skype. Selalu lah online tau. Nanti kau balik siap pakai jubah dengan purdah lagi. And Insya Allah ada perubahan dekat aku bila kau balik nanti. Aku sayang kau sesangat weh. Syg kau gegila first time i'll say. Siti Aisyah Arifah, i love you to the moon and back. Jgn lupa aku Fafa.

fafa x

Syafrina Adlin
Thursday 20 June 2013 posted at 20:24 ♥


       Ada orang ni sibuk nak suruh aku blogging pasal dia haa nah lah! 

Dear Syafrina Adlin, apahal lah kau ni cantik sangat ha? Tak rugi aku kawan dengan kau. Tapi tak bermakna  yg tak kawan kau tu rugi ye? Dah lah cantik, bongok, gila, sewel, gedik, pendek *eh tak tak, lebih kurang je* Haha. Aku sayang kau gegila weyh. Sayang gilaaa. Haa haa haa mai dah dia. Uiiii nampak dah kembang dia tuuuu. Hahaha. Haishh i lap youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :* Haa ni lah dia. Dia ni lah ha~


Sunday 12 May 2013 posted at 03:47 ♥

Hye guys! So, let's start.

There is a girl. I known her since i was 5 years old. We were being so close cause we are neighbours. She stays at *don't have to know*. She is one year younger than me. She's quite annoying actually. Haha. But, c'mon babe! How can i hate a girl that almost i love like my own sister?! Wait, did i just said that? *oh yeah you did* But, hm yeah babe. Kau selalu cerita mcm mcm benda yang kau rasa, yg kau nak luahkan pebenda semua dekat aku. Aku mmg rasa kau tu mcm adik aku. Kalau ada buat benda salah kau buat, aku ada je enn nak tegur kau. Sindir kau semua. Sorry lah kalau buat kau terasa.  But, i did that cause i love you. I don't lose you in. I love you lah. I won't let you down baby i won't baby i won't. Hahaha. But, over all seriously i love you. Did i forgot to mention her name? Oh ya, her name is Aina Nabilah. I called her Aina. So, Aina this is for you :*

Sincerely me, 
Ungku Iwani Al Juffa....

Tennis! :*
Thursday 21 February 2013 posted at 17:52 ♥

Hello. Lamanyaa tak spend time dekat Blogger. Firstly, wani nak ckp yang wani dapat wakil sekolah dalam Tennis. Menang double no. 1, single no. 3. And wani terpilih jugak for wakil daerah. But, tak menang. Haha :D But, yeah! It was such an experience. Best doo. I will always miss my friends there. I miss Kak Sarah, Amira, Zety, Yesotha, Scha, Aqram, Aqmal. Haha! Rindunyaa nka chit chat dengan dorang. Kalau panjang umur kita jumpa next year ya! Duhh! Miss you guyss! :(( LOVE ALWAYSS :**

Hexagon! :*
Sunday 3 February 2013 posted at 19:58 ♥

Hye. Today I'm gonna write about my friends. The Hexagon. Firstly, I'm gonna introduce myself.

This is me. I'm Ungku Iwani Al Juffa Binti Ungku Arinshah. Call me Wany. 06/10/1999 adalah tarikh keramat bagi Wany. I'm fourteen and I am from Kesuma. If you sees me like an evil person. I am soooo sorry. I am not evil. Senanya Wany tak kisah pun kalau kat sekolah ada budak yg menggedik. That's normal. We are human, girls. Wany pun sedar wany ni pun senanya 2x5 je. Tapi kalau ada yg cari pasal. You better watch out. Okay? :* I have a crush. But, my crush has a girlfriend. *sigh Whatevs -.- Hmm, I hope you guys can accept me the way I am if you want me to accept you the way you are. "Beauty comes from the inside." Keep it. Next....

 This is NurShafrina Adlin Binti Shaiful Bakhri. I called her Syaf. She is born in 07/08/1999. I known her since we were five. She is a great, beautiful, sewel, gedikzz, manja and annoying type of person. Whatever she is, she's still my best friend. She loves one boy. That boy make her life feels special and that boy changed her. I want them to get back. Whatever people said, they are still a couple to me. They are perfect together. I love them. Love 

 Thirdly, this is Adlina Nadhirah Binti Sofian. 13/07/1999 is her date. She is sitting next to me in my class. She has a boyfriend name Naim Iman Bin *whatever I don't know* They really cute together and I love them. This girl has many enemies but dia cool je. Watlekk watpiss. Kalau ada orang cari gaduh dgn dia, habis lahhh. #MATILAHKAUUU Hahahah XD She's yeahh great. I love her and I will always do.

This girl name is Nur Liyana Binti Omaruddin. Liyana is her nickname. She likes the name I gave her. *Lianee Omars* Mmg mcm lion pungg. Hahaha. Dia ni garang tau. Tapi kalau org yg rapat betul betul rapat ngan dia, okay. No problem masuk. Haha XD But, dalam diam dia ada crush. Uuuuuuuuuuu~ Babe, kita sama. Kita ada crush and crush kita ada girlfriend iaitu kawan kita sendiri. Hmm, sabar je lahh kan. Love xx

 Next is yeahh this girl. Siti Aisyah Arifah Binti Shamshul Akmal. She known as Caca Popo. And I called her Caca. Her birthday is on 04/05/1999. Caca ni pendek, comel, naughty, manja, and my *cough* husband. HAHAHAHAHA XD #joking She's using bb. *uuuu~ bb user* Ask her the bb pin. Hahah. Luwlz. So, don't you ever take her from me. I love her :*

 This is Siti Fatimah Binti Ahmaludin. I called her Fatt. Dia ni pendek, chubby and cute too! :D Dia ni jenis orang yg ckp direct doo. Hari tu ada sorang budak Form 1 yg pakai bedak 3 kilo kena. Terdiam bhaiii. Hahaha. But, she's preety. New member of Hexagon. I love her :****


So, yeah that's it. This is all the members of Hexagon. I will love them forever and ebver and ever and everrrrrr :*************** Thank girls for accepting me in this group. Luv yahh! :*


Abah & Mama
posted at 06:27 ♥

Assalamualaikum :') It's about mama and abah. Tadii kannn, dorang sweeeeeet sangat. Awww~ Tadi masa pergi hantar abang, kita orang singgah Petronas. Mama bank in some to abah's account. Then, mama entered the car and said.....

           Mama: Wanyyy, duit mama tinggal sikit je. *muka merajuk
           Abah: Alolololo, *touching mama's dagu
           Mama: Pchhh *jeling

And I was like awww~ They both are so sweet together. Dah lah susah nak tengok mama and abah cenggitu. Free free je dapat tengok. Muehehehe. I hope they live happily ever after with their kids. *Meeeeeeeeeeee* I love you both. Love as much as I can. I love you and I'll always do. Don't leave. Just stay here with me. I love them :******************************



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